Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lucky 13: Metal Girls

                            Metal Kicks Ass...Girls Kick Ass...together they KICK ASS! Pretty easy to get into my Metal Girl category all one needs is a bullet belt,spiked leather,white face,tats,band patch or tat (I can't read).. or any combination there in, so with out further ado ESG's random pics of Metal Chicks mostly all stolen from other sites!

              Morticia on steroids! (tats)

            Sad girls are easy...its a fact look it up! ( bullet belt)

          This chick looks confident perhaps she's in a band ( Venom shirt, Bullet Belt, Spiked Wrists)

          hmmm i think she meets all requirements at one time! devil- tongue is bonus!

          yep metal girl does she look recently chocked? thats another Blog all together!

      So this chick is my fav, despite lacking everything that our criteria calls for she has three very metal things going for her...Slayer shirt ( she appreciates the classics) Correct devil horn position( left handed too) and lastly that Tongue is impossibly long! I mean look at that thing! She can clean out her belly button with that sucker!

       Photo Shop is funny this chick is probably a model but that's cool she fits right in...

       Frankly I pined over weather this is chick is worthy, but the Morbid Angel patch gets her in!

            Again probably a model or in a band Im thinking band she looks sorta familiar anyway she's hot and I can't for the love of Beelzebub read that shirt!

       Cute chick patched up with a bunch of bands I can't read....except Ozzy...

           Zero hits in the criteria....but how hot is this chick! Look at that hair! And Goats with read crucifixes on their face! That is Metal!

This is commitment to the ultimate degree! Venom "Black Metal" back piece! Are you kidding me!
                           This chick is more metal than Cronos and Mantas put together!

Tank Out.......
- Posted using BlogPress from iPhone

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