I live my live with very few regrets, I've been lucky in many regards, great up bringing, loving family and friends.
I've had fun, danger, things to tell my grandkids and things that I will take to my grave, but few regrets. Here is one... I never became the drummer I think I could have been. Again I had all the support. My Mom and Dad were actually o.k. with having a 14 year beating the crap out of a drum set in their home!!! Looking back I can see clearly what happened, I liked being a drummer but not enough to sacrifice, sacrifice the time to practice, sacrifice partying and girls. To be really great it has to be your first love, it was my love but I cheated and she never forgives.
I was lucky enough to see Buddy Rich live back in I would say the mid-late 70s and he blew my mind, I picked up the sticks not long after and got good but never great. Buddy was great, real great, most say the best ever, others would say he was a more of showman. There is Krupa vs Rich vs. Roach, Bonham vs Moon, Lars vs Lombardo ( Dave hands down BTW).
But no matter who you think is the best, a great drummer can make a show and not just with the over wrought 20 minutes solo ( Alex Van Halen....yawn). I never caught the Motley Crue bug, maybe just a bad rash with Too Fast for Love that was about it, but Tommy Lee was worth admission, a total bad ass. Some of the best were the opening band drummers. Of course Carl Canedy of The Rods if there is a house band in hell they are waiting for Carl before they jam, a big mean looking s.o.b. kicked ass I can still picture his solo it was life changing. Countless other I will blog about in the future.
For now here is Buddy and Tonight Show Drummer Ed Shaughnessy gettin it on!
Carl tearing up the Kiwanis club!
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