Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fantastic Frank!

My fanaticism with Frazetta goes back to boyhood...; calendars , posters,comics, Molly Hatchet, Nazareth, Conan paperbacks...

Even as a youngster I was blown away by the detail, the real, yet exaggerated muscles of the protagonist, the voluptuous women, either a victim of their womanly wares or empowered by them.

Frank had a way of capturing raw emotion and peoples imagination! His vision of Conan is thee imagine I carry in my mind for the Barbarian who would be King!

Here are some of my black and whites favs from the man...enjoy!

Errr, nice mmm cat.

Gandalf the Grey...doing the Misty Mt. Hop?

"killings my business and business is fine"

No quarter! Even if you is fine!

I think I saw this show in Juarez once...

Two for one at the whore store!

So as you can see Frank Frazetta is KickAss!! An America treasure whom was dismissed as a "comic book illustrator" by hipster know nothings who found Worhal to be genius because he colored over photos of dead people and copied soup can labels!!!!!

Damn allright let's let a drummer decide!
Ringo, Frank or Andy?

I don't know Tank I just play the drooms!

... why can't we just live in peace man... When I said a bird on me finger I meant a "bird" on me finger!

Tank, the art critic... Out.

ps images culled from a great site ...
Check it.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Why were we surprised?

Let me preface by saying that Tank could care less about someones sexual orientation. I think it's nature wins in the nature vs nurture debate...even as little kids you could tell.. there was always that one dude who hung with the girls on the playground or in Middle School the chick that wore 501s n Harley shirt! Anyway if we had been a little more observant of the obvious we'd have seen that Rob Halford was gay! I love JP well the first 10 years or so of JP. Frankly I lost track somewhere around "Turbo"... Painkiller had "that drum intro" but thats about it. Seen them live many, many times! Hope to make the Epitaph gig in SA!
But if we had had u-tube back in the late 70s early 80s we would not have been surprised in the least when Rob "came-out"...before Hell Bent ,Rob n frankly all of JPs image was more Queen than Motörhead, less '68 Elvis more '76 Elton!


It would be kool to hang with either of these bands!
Rob was/is tight with both!

The King! Face it leather says screw you or f&#k me...or you-me&her....**or in Elvis's case you,me, her, her& them...thank you thank very much.

The Queen!
Elton rules! Not a metal look!
But "Sat. Nights Allright..." is Metal!

Wait, disregard I think Fred n Rob had the same tanner on Savile Row!...or was it in Greenwich Village!?!

Fred comes across as the F&#k me leather guy...

Sexual preference has a direct correlation w/ fashion sense...

Rob more the...Screw you type!

...yeah you third row, mullet n' handlebar 'stache!

"bath him and bring him to me..."

Pre-leather..via u tube...with the vastly overlooked Les Binks on drums!! White Heat , Red Hot ithink Japan'78!

Painkiller! Scott Travis on drums an American too! Check Rob's guy liner! Always ahead of the curve!

**Peter Steele reference by way of Rick James...anyway,er stay with me here RIP to both KickAss bass players!

..Peter was a ruler and died in April, '10 ...tribute coming soon!

Tank over n out!

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Sent from my iPhone

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, June 26, 2011

New post

Still learning how to post via phone so my latest is actually two spots down.. Check it out!

Thang Tank

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I refrain from posting links to other sites, but the following site has provided endless thought provocing examples of the human condition. Some maybe rash , others self-indulgent filled with displaced blame and unresolved issues that probably need professional help not a website for frustrated artist...anyhow here is..

Check it out.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Been workin from 7 to 11....

Really makes my blog a drag!!

Ok maybe I'm not working that much but feels like it.
I'm actually in training down on S. Congress which makes for a long drive, but the lunch options are AWESOME! so far I've had thundercloud subs n homeslice pizza...
Fran's , Dans or P Terry's can't be far behind...

I hope to keep my blog up but life seems to be cutting into my writing time but ideas are

Thanks for checking, please check back soon for more things that KICK ASS!!

I'm back!

I'm back the saddle agay-ian!! Thanks to the megga-minds at Apple filing a see as busy as I've been with the new job and the usual husband/daddy gig,our home PC is a turd! Older then shit slower than Christmas an sooo frustrating it has rarely been on this entire year! So
anyway while surfing on my phone! I noticed dudes n chicks updating their blogs with Blogpress so I'm like what's that?!? Long story notso... here I am blogging via phone! Somewhere George Orwell is spinning like top screaming I told you so!! ( read 1984 for obscure reference...)...anyways glad to be able to post random thoughts and share things that Apple products! Where can I get a little apple sticker for my Prius?

Went to sweet little motorcycle and art show a couple weeks back took the girls they dug it! Mad love art n Mia like to say butt...I don't know I just work here sometimes ... Here are some kick ass bike...mad actually took a few snaps!! Morning of bike show...

Mmm bacon,butt,bacon,butt! Guess which one says butt??

In the parking lot 47 knucklehead jockey shift black Cali plates...KICKASS!!!! This is what your minds eye should see when some jerkass says chopper, not a goddamn balloon tired trailer queen!!!
Do not get me started!

More knuckle greatness!

Generator Shovelhead makes it a 66 > 69?:( somewhere in there.

Survivor 68 Xlch by Arlen Ness way before he jumped the shark! Real deal custom! KICKASS!

Mad dug this so she shot it! And it six in da morn .. Even Snoopdog would sleepy after 12 hours of sickos and ER drama! Good night, good morning! Glad to baaaaackkk!!!