I've always been enamored with the idea of the Witch, La Bruja!
I'm not talking about someone's neo-hippie-poser sister in white face burning incense talking about the Green man,mother goddess and lesbos,(although more research should probably be done on my part on this area so as not to be ignorant)...no I speak more of the idea of the Lady of the woods in league with Satan for reasons unknown, selfish and cunning.
We know now that for the most part witch persecutions and the mass killing of women (wise or ummm otherwise...) was the new religion in towns way of eliminating the competition and err smoking out the last remnants of pagan practices.
I don't mean to dwell on the ways n means, the social/cultural battles over the hearts and minds of the people and their faith how the subjugated were/are forced to give up all that they believe under the threat of death!! Nope this blog is about Kick Ass things like hot looking evil chicks conjuring demons to fornicate with! Sex majic ( with a "J")! Herbs n potions!
Black cats and cottages deep in the woods where shadows dance with flames and smoke tangles in the trees, owls call out to the orange moon and darkness pulls up a chair to snuggle with the lady in black, the country girl..chicks Dio wrote about!
Pop culture too has always been enthralled with the idea,not quite to the extent of the Vampire but close..Bewitched, Charmed countless novels, The Wizard of Oz, etc.
This cover probably has allot to do with my love of evil looking women!
Elizabeth Montgomery not evil looking not at all, but bewitching.. oh hell yea!!!and a Buick too!
What's not to like!?KICK ASS!!!
Anne Rice delved head on into the subject after the vampire chronicles even melding the wacky Mayfair clan into the wacky Chronicles world. Anyway I like the whole witch thang always have always will. I could have played Darren too.. The straight one, not the gay one!
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Oh and of couse ESG would not be complete with out some Frank!
The Sea Witch...
Warrior stopped in his tracks. Boobs have that kinda power!
Borris can draw too! One of my faves!
Tank " not here to change to world, just make it kick ass a little more" out
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