Somewhere along the way the young bred of jock have become enamored with old iron.Kick Ass! So I guess all the rappers ...ummm , err raping about their old Chevies made an semi-positive impression, which is totally awesome with me but has this young breed ever rolled a car on stock rims!?!


Ndamukong Suh is football playa he's a badass 6'4" and weighing in at 310!
Homeboys arms are bigger than my legs, man!

How young blood fits into a 70 Chevelle is a question for physics and ergo engineers! It cannot be easy I've driven a couple of gen 2 Chevelles and they are tight even for normal size peeps!

Anyway so N-kong is cooling his massive heels while he serves a two game suspension for stepping on some other big dude during a game..."bad Suh, bad!"

Take that whitey!
So since he had time to kill he went out west to kill, no strike that he ain't like that. He's a stand up dude he reserves his violent outburst for on the field and his killing,he hires out!
Anyways so he's out trolling fo hos or dudes or god knows what and lost control of his Chebby!

I can state for a fact that if Mr. Suh was on the 15 x 7 he probably would have had better control of his 70 SS Chevelle!


Them Dubs may look tight in the magazines or gangsta leaning 'round da hood but when you wanna Smoke Em in front of the throngs of gawking civilians it's fat, wide and low to the ground that'll get you home not da chrome baby!
Let me analogize a lil'....
Do you pick up a hot chick and immediately take her to the nearest plastic surgery to inflate her rack? No. She is specifically engineered to perform a specific way, to handle as the engineer in the sky has dictated don't trivial with it!
High end models!

Ok gratuitus yes but a stiring example no?
The equally brainy dudes in Detroit did the same with your classic Chevy do not trivial wit it either!
Live and learn young uns and do us all a favor quit screwing up old kickass cars they don't make them anymore!
Tank "unsolicited advisor to the over payed and trend hypnotized star athlete"...OUT!
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