Never saw the new film...heard it blows, but still love the Barbarian!

Check this shirt I bought!!!!!

Schenker in all his awesomeness
Sooo high/lowlight of this summer, no goddamn rain! And dryer was broke most of the summer so spent many a hot hot dry night drying clothes while the family slept! They have an ancient "Tekken" machine at our local laundry mat that almost made it worth hanging with the late night laundry mat mojados, semi homeless freaks n big mommas with their snotty kids out too late! I ruled as one of the chicks!!! This Americanized Chinese sticker warns parents to be leary of what their kids play! This must have been during the Tipper Gore PMRC days! Imagine what those idiots must think of lil Wayne,grand theft auto or Call of Duty!!!!!

...if you've gone... come back to ESG... if you stayed sorry for the lack of posts...I'll do better!
The Tank.
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